
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

MY Identity teardrop

We got to make a digital tear drop and then make patterns inside of . We have been looking at the work of Lonnie Hutchinson . She creates work with strong outlines based on her culture  heritage. We took a teardrop design them filled it with patterns that reflect our identity.

I enjoyed doing this because i have not done this before. Have you made an identity teardrop?

Chritsmas card

We got to make a digital Christmas card online.  We were learning how to use remove .bg.

I liked doing this because I have not used

Friday, November 29, 2019

Beach rules

Today for reading we made a poster for how to be safe at the beach.

 I enjoyed doing this because we got to do some research about beach rules and I love going to the beach.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

steam secret agent day

We got to be secret agents. It was fun. We got to do cool challenges.

I really enjoyed doing this because I haven't been a secret agent before. Are you a secret agent?

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Grace and Kaylynn's Cyber Smart quiz.

We were learning how to make a quiz on google forms.

Enjoyed doing this because I had not don e this before and it was fun. Have you made a quiz before?

Friday, November 22, 2019

My identity collage

We had to make a collage about us of what Is our identity.

I enjoyed doling this because Its fun and I have not done this before. Have you made a digital collage before?

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The exploding Husky animation

We were learning how to make a animation.
I liked doing this it was fun because I have not done this before. Have you ever made an animation before?

Monday, November 18, 2019

Fireworks saftey

 We were learning how to be safe when we do fireworks.

I enjoyed doing this in class. have done this before in you class?

Should we sell fireworks or not.

We had to make a google doc about if we should sell fireworks or not.

                  Should we not sell fireworks or not.
I think we shouldn't sell fire wakes to public because it could cause injuries and fires.  I think we should not  sell  fireworks because people might not follow the rules and do something bad. I think we should ban fireworks because they are very loud and big. I think we should  ban fireworks because people pets get scared. I think we should ban fireworks because little kids might get scared.
I enjoyed doing this it was very fun doing the research. Have written about this before? 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Digital collages

We had to make a collage of  our identity . A collage is a combination of shapes and patterns .

I made a kiwi and a silver fern. I chose to make a kiwi because its new zealands national bird. I chose to make a fern because im from new zealand. Have you ever made a collage before?

Friday, October 18, 2019

Think smart

When some thing goes online .

  Have you ever done venngage before?

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Food companies

we had to make a google docs about pollution .  I chose to write to food companies. I was learning to expand my sentences.

Dear  food companies  you should make more friendly packaging for our environment  because the plastic you make Is killing our animals because they eat the plastic If you make packaging without plastic it will not be so harmful . when plastic breaks down animals eat It. If they eat the plastic  they will get sick or die. This is why I would like you to  make different packaging for our food. You could make packaging out of  cornstarch. You  can also use paper  and cardboard  It Is  less harmful to our environment. Animals are thinking your plastic  Is food.plastic has destroyed by pollution trees animals and  plants. We now have lots of houses and fewer  trees. We  have more plastic In the ocean then we had before.

I liked doing this because I haven't done writing like this before. Have you  ever done writing like this?.

Friday, August 30, 2019

What planet I would live on

WE had to make a google slide about what planet we should live on .

I really enjoyed doing this learning because I learnt more about planets. What planet do you think we should live on?.

designed for good

we had to make a google doc about a book called  designed for good we had to read three stories.

Designed for good

Some people are trying to make a trap that stops rodents from making our trees die.the design they made is called the rat trap.there designed worked . the rodents they were trying to trap them are possums stoats and rats. They are harming our environment .   


Those perfect New Zealanders, plastic-free for ten years and now celebrating sanctuary status with their pristine emerald pastures, azure glacial rivers, and abundant natural forests. Natural forests are good for our environment .

Climate change 
 Global warming is making our days change. Like when it's meant to be sunny it's actually cold and rainy. Our gas from our cars are making the pollution that go into the air that creates global warming. Global warming is a bad thing for our air that we breath.It is because its not good for our animals and humans.

I found this learning hard at first but I got the hang of it.Have you ever read the book designed for good?.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

matariki venn diagram

In reading, we were learning how to compare two different stories. We looked at what was the same in the two stories and what was different.

I felt good about my learning because I have not done this before. have you ever compared and contrasted before?.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Quality comments

Today we had to remember three tips to use when we want to post a blog comment.

I enjoyed doing this it was really fun to make a comic strip. Maybe some day you could make a comic strip using the same website.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

My holidays

Today we learnt that we share are work before you are finished.

What did you do in the holidays? I liked it because it was fun to make.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

My visual blog post.

We have been learning about shearing personal information and private information.
I enjoyed doing this activity because I like working on my Chromebook. what information would you put on this?

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Blog post checklist

We have been learning  about a good  blog post so then we can share are learning. I made this info graphic  to  help people  remember  what to do when they post on their blog.

I really liked  doing this activity today because  now I know  how to post my work on my blog.  Do you  know how to post on your blog?