
Thursday, September 30, 2021

The human Eye

 This week for writing the topic was Our human body.I decided to write about the human eye.I enjoyed learning more about eyes because i never knew that i blink so much in a day.

                                        The Human Eye

Which part of your body lets you read a menu, glaze at a rainbow, and see a football heading your way? Which part lets you cry when your sad and form tears?Which part has muscles that adjust to let you focus on things that are really close and far away.If you guessed Eye your correct! Your Eye works from the moment you wake up. Without your eye you would not be able to see anything. Come join me and find out more!


What does the human Eye do? The human eyes role is too convert light into electrical signals called nerve impulses that the brain converts into images around us.The human eye has quite a big roll in our body so we have to take good care of it but you can get a fake eye but it wont do the same. From the second we wake up from sleeping our eye starts to work.

Why we need it? Without the human eye we would not be able to see. If we cant see we would not know whats happening and be very confused. We need a eye so we can glaze our eyes at pictures,storys,stars and food. It is a privilege to have eyes because not all people our born with eye sight.


 we need our eyes to see,read a menu and glaze at the sun.our eyes are very important on our body and need to be looked after they are very delicate. Fun fact about Eyes. 

1.The human eye blinks an average of 4,200,000 times a year.

2.Your eyes are about 1 inch across and weigh about 0.25 ounce.

3.The human eye can differentiate approximately 10 million different colours.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Grace Online Learning Week 9 Term 3 2021

 This week our topic was Health and physical education. I really enjoyed doing the create because it was really fun drawing what ever i wanted to draw and express my feelings.

What super power would have? and why?

The day i woke up with Super powers

 This week for writing we had to write a narrative about the day we woke up with super powers.I enjoyed making up the name of the villain/bully it was fun.

 I raced down the driveway to meet my friend at the bus stop.  My heart was pounding as i hadnt run that fast for a long time as we have been in lockdown.  

Everyone was wearing masks and i could barely tell who was who as the masks kind of disguise them.  Everybody stared as i jumped on the bus without a mask.  I had the left the house too quick and forgotten mine.  Luckily the driver handed me one and i quickly put it on.  

Five minutes later we arrived at school.

Today was a big a day for me as we would be getting our test results back from our history test last week.  

I was a llttle nervous but was more excited to think about me getting a higher score than the classroom bully.  He was so annoying, Jackson Jigglesin had big ears like a monkey and a long nose like a witch filled with boogas.  He had freckles all over his face and had red hair that turned orange in the sun. 

He wasn't always a bully but then one day his older brother bit him on the bum in front of everyone and thats the moment he changed.  Every time we did a test he would cheat and then brag about how great he was and the high score he got.  The teachers thought he was great but the students disagreed.  He was known by some as a the carrot boy with boogas in his nose, others said he looked like a tomato when he got angry. I just did int trust him.

Ring,ring,ring.The bell rings louder than normal. I rushed to class. I see the teacher handing out the results one by one. As i get my results Jackson juggilson screams from the top of his lungs, “I got 99%! I bet none of you got a better score than me!” I read my results. My heart was pounding. I got a 98% 1% less than Jackson jiggilson i was so disappointed in my self. Jackson jiggilson comes to see what percent i got. He starts to burst with laughter. 10 minutes later hes still laughing i was so mad. My had scrunched up into fists but decided not to throw a punch.

It was the next day of school,Jackson jiggilson went around bragging and bragging like he was a celebrity.But officiously he wasn't cause no one would ever want to look at someone that has boogers overflowing out of his nose forming piles on the floor. RING,RING,RING the bell goes as i walk to class I see Jackson jiggilson waiting for someone outside the class room.As i walk to go inside Jackson jiggilson launches a book at my feet. I tumble onto the floor,Jackson jiggilson was laughing and laughing.Until i swooshed my finger threw the air going in circles. Jackson jiggilson was zooming in the classroom like a superhero. Then i flick my finger and zoom Jackson jiggilson is flying straight out the window. The class was laughing at Jackson jiggilson. I was so surprised and VERY happy at the same time.I wonder what other powers i have.

                                                 To be continued…..

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Healthy lifestyle

 This week we had to make a healthy lifestyle create.I enjoyed making the create and finding the pictures.

Do you think you do enough exercise? and why?

Friday, September 17, 2021

Duffy Book Award Winner Week 8

Congratulations to Grace for being our Duffy Book Award winner this week. Her quality of work has been outstanding and deserves to be recognized once again. Tino pai! From Miss Kwok

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Writing week 8 Term 3

Carrots,celery,tomato,lettuce and cucumbers were flying across the room.Chop chop chop, slice slice slice, grate grate grate.Another day eating piles upon piles of vegetables.

It wasn't long ago that we had the choice to eat whatever we wanted but all of a sudden takeaways started to shut down, and meat was off the menu.  The government decided that everybody in New Zealand had to become a vegetarian.  This was to make the animals happy.

Animals hated being hunted.  The cows, sheep, lamb, pigs, ducks, and chickens said that it couldn't happen anymore. They protested from day one trying to stop people from eating them.  It was going to be good for the environment too, well thats what they said. 

Humans all over our country had to start to think about what vegetarian meals they could make.  The supermarkets were being raided by people trying to buy vegetables before they ran out.  People were growing their own garden like never before and it felt like vegetables were everywhere and were now becoming everyone's favourites.

Children started to learn more and about vegetables and less about animals and other subjects in school and we started to have gardening classes which were compulsory for everyone to learn how to grown their own vegetables. 

We ate so many vegetables that one day a little baby started to turn orange from eating so much pumpkin and carrots.  It wasn't long before all of the babies in New Zealand started to look this way.  Children started to turn bright red from eating tomatoes non stop because they were sweet and tasted a tiny bit like lollies.  Adults turned green because they ate so much lettuce, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.  We thought it was crazy.  One mum had lettuce growing as her hair.  What was happening?

Not long later everyone in New Zealand was a vegetable.

                                                    The End  


grace Balanced Diet week 8 Term 3

 This week our topic was Balanced diet. It was not that hard but there was lots of work. I really enjoyed the ice blocks cause i have  never made them before. i struggled with the writing cause i do not think i am that good at writing.

What is your favourite food group?and why?

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Food pyramid

 here is my food pyramid for this week.I enjoyed learning about what foods i should eat more than others.

Whats your favourite food group?and why?

Friday, September 10, 2021

Duffy Book Award Winner Week 7

Congratulations to Grace for being our Duffy Book Award winner this week! Her Mr Chicken writing was filled with precise verbs and fascinating descriptions. Well done! From Miss Kwok

Lockdown LCS week 7

 This week our topic was heroes vs villains.I think villains can be good. I enjoyed doing the balloon super hero create because it looked like it was a super hero.

if you were in an avengers movie would you rather be a villain or hero?and why?

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Mr Chicken

 This week for writing we had to write a narrative story.we had to use first person or third person in our story. I really enjoyed that we could get really creative.

SPLAT went the oil as ti dropped onto Mr Chickens head.He really should not be there but i dont think anyone knows. Mr Chicken has a secret lab underneath the kitchen in KFC in Takanini, the new one that everyone likes going to.

Mr Chicken wasn't always bad, he used to be good.  He lived in the chicken coop in the garden but then one day his best friend Charlie the Chicken got eaten so then he decided that things needed to change.

He was sick of hiding so  he didn't get caught and taken away to be eaten.  He watched as the all chickens got eaten 1 by 1. After that day he knew that this would not be the way he was going to die.

Mr Chicken was chubby, had big fluffy orange feathers and wore very small glasses that could barely fit his face.  He had super powers,he could fly so fast but thats not all, he could make lots of potions. Not just normal positions but green poisonous potions that he plans to poison the chicken at KFC.

He could hear the chickens being sizzled. He felt so bad that and he knew that he had to stop them. Mr Chicken quickly made a potion like there was no tomorrow.  As he was finishing off more and more chickens were being cooked. Thats when he flew as fast as he could to the secret opening.  He sucked in stomach and all of his big fluffy feathers. Mr Chicken could finally fit  threw  the hole.  He sees the man wearing the chef uniform and starts to attacks, feathers were flying everywhere and Mr Chicken managed to squirt the potion into the oil and it turned lime green in seconds.  They were onto him.  Mr Chicken quickly flew outside and all of the frozen chicken came to life and began to make their escape.  

Unfortunately Mr Chicken lost a few feathers and got caught by animal control but they didn't stop him from defeating the chicken eaters.  All of the KFC chicken was poisoned and chicken could no longer be eaten. 

It was cold and sad in chicken prison and Mr Chicken was miserable waiting to get out.  Years passed by then one day he was finally let free.

He became very rich by selling the green potion and one day he was so rich that he could open many restaurants  called KFD.  Kentucky fried DUCK!

                                                 The end

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Week 6 T3 2021 Distance Learning LCS

 This week are topic was should we open the borders. i thought no because the Covid population would increase.I enjoyed this because i loved designing my dream holiday it was very fun seeing the end product. I struggled doing the sums maths it was tricky.

Do you think we should keep the borders closed? and why?

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Should we open the border?

 This week for writing we had to write if we should open the borders or not. I enjoyed this because i liked doing the intro because it was fun collecting information.

Since 2019 Covid has been Affecting New zealanders in a very harmful way. Covid is a virus that we can beat if we all work together and stop spreading the virus. By closing the borders people from other countries cant get in and we will be more safe.

Firstly,Closing the border will keep us safe from other countries. For example most Covid cases have started by people traveling all over the world then coming back and not realising you have covid. Another example New zealand is a beautiful country and most people love coming here but it does mean a bigger risk of us having to be in Lockdown.

Secondly,Closing the border will help to protect the people in our country and reduce the amount of people that may die from covid 19.  If we kept the border open many people will get the virus and then they could become very sick and die like in other countries such as America and Italy.  We are a small country and we dont want to loose anybody to this virus so keeping the borders will help to stop the spread and keep our people safe.

In conclusion we should not open the borders,it will reduce the covid cases and keep us safe.But not opening the border does mean people cant see family members that are in other countries. I strongly believe we should keep the border closed.

Do you think we should open the border?and why?